Talkin 901 - the latest post by the former advocates of Mr Anwar Ibrahim, Sdr. Zulkifly Nordin a must read for everyone no matter which faction you are, lets read and try to find an answer to the summary he provide HERE
"Amendment to the Constitutions of Malaysia"
Take that for the first step shall Pakatan Rakyat came Into power Next GE.
As Anwar getting ready with his herd of 100 000 supporter to ferry him to Sg Buloh retreats this Monday. His dream to helm the title of Prime Minister of Malaysia shall not vanished.
Interim Prime Minister in waiting - Mr Lim Guan Eng, have the solutions for this :

What the hell are this Ah Beng talking about, isnt Pakatan Rakyat struggle are not for individual but for the rakyat itself.
Better change the name lah, Pakatan Anwar sound better dough.
Dont used rakyat terms as the mask of your idiotic struggle.
As that the first Ammendments to the Constitutions, i expect few more changes coming into the picture within 100 days in power,.:-
1. Non-Bumi as a Prime Minister
2. Droping The term of BUMIPUTRA
3. Acknowledgement of LGBT
4. etc... etc ...etc
you guys knows it what really they want to do with this country...
~~ Since 901 rally coming soon, lets give an idea to the Police what shall they do to the herd of cows that the Police gonnna round up this Monday.
Tangkap pagi lepas petang tak guna bro...
Any IDEA??
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