

Dear Mr. Lawyer, Who Do You Represents TBH Family Or Ean & Ronnie Liu?

The Pro Opposition online Media Malaysiakini reported that Gobind Singh objected to the disclosure of MACC Recording Statement during investigation of TBH, as in his opinion the recording would not help much and it would not show the actual situation of Teoh before his death.

"Abdul Razak berkata rakaman itu boleh menunjukkan bagaimana tahap pemikiran dan mental Teoh sepanjang siasatan tetapi peguam Gobind Singh Deo yang mewakili keluarga Teoh membantah kerana pada pendapatnya keterangan itu tidak banyak membantu dan ia tidak akan menunjukka
n keadaan sebenar Teoh sebelum meninggal dunia."Malaysiakini

Was it really irrelevant or did Mr Gobind afraid that TBH might had said something that
would damage Mr Ean and Mr Ronnie reputation in the Recording Statement?

Except You Mr. MP Gobind, I belief the 'Rakyat' and TBH family would like to hear the tape as it will reflect to How the Investigation was done by The MACC.

The recording would answer whether TBH was co-operating or the MACC was doing their job by the way of GESTAPO.

The 100 million Questions is:-

Did Gobind Singh Deo looking for the Truth in the Death of Teoh Beng Hock?

Does he represents TBH Family or his DAP counterparts?

What is there to hide within the Recording Statement?

Did the MACC use an extreme method in questioning Teoh Beng Hock?

Is the late Teoh Beng Hock a Suspect or Witness in this Case?

.............. Play the Tape, Lets Find Justice for Teoh Beng Hock!

TBH family should get an Independent Lawyer to represents them from outside Malaysia, as a DAP member Gobind Singh Deo will be bias to protecting his party member.


  1. SSS Admin // August 29, 2009 at 5:59 AM  


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